Comme tous les jeunes de mon quartier et sans doute comme la majorité des ti-gars de ce pays, je collectionnais les cartes de hockey (série ProSet 1990 à 1992). Avec quelques-uns de mes bons amis, je collectionnais aussi les bouchons de bière. Plus tard ce fut le tour des sous-verre et puis des bouteilles vides de bières importées. À la fin de mon adolescence, ces dernières tapissaient les murs de ma chambre, tels des trophées ambrés. J’ai continué à vouloir découvrir des nouvelles bières d’ici et d’ailleurs, et lorsque j’ai commencé à voyager autour du monde, j’ai spontanément essayé le plus de bières locales qu’il m’était possible. J’ai étudié dans différentes disciplines avant de commencer à travailler dans l’industrie de l’emballage de verre. J’ai commencé à m’intéresser au design d'emballage et depuis cinq ans je brasse de la bière maison.
Le blog est un condensé de tout ça; c’est un peu une collection virtuelle que j’ai envie de partager. Le blog ne se veut pas critique, mais plutôt descriptif et informatif sur un peu tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin l’univers de la bière.
Like all the kids of my childhood and perhaps all the kids in the country, I was collecting hockey player cards (ProSet series 1990 to 1992). Just for the sake of collecting, some of my friends and me started to collect beer crowns. Later on, it was beer coasters and then empty imported beer bottles. In my late senior high school years, bottles from all over the world were hanging on all the walls of my bedroom. Since then I always wanted to discover and taste new beers, and when I started to travel around the globe, it was natural that I would be interested in trying as much local beers as possible. I went to university and studied in a few different fields before starting a career in the glass packaging industry 7 years ago. I got really interested in the packaging design and about 5 years ago I started brewing my own beer as a homebrewer.
This blog is condensing all of this; it’s a virtual collection that I wish to share on the web. This is not a beer-rating site; it is more descriptive and gives information about anything that is related to the world of beer.
Brasseurs: Continuez à faire de la bonne bière et mieux respecter le terroir. Designers: Soyez innovateurs et pensez durable. Buveurs: Consommez modérément, mais sans modération pour la variété.
Brewers: Keep brewing good beers and respect the terroir. Designers: Be innovative and think sustainable. Drinkers: Drink with moderation without moderating your taste for new beers.
Le blog est un condensé de tout ça; c’est un peu une collection virtuelle que j’ai envie de partager. Le blog ne se veut pas critique, mais plutôt descriptif et informatif sur un peu tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin l’univers de la bière.
Like all the kids of my childhood and perhaps all the kids in the country, I was collecting hockey player cards (ProSet series 1990 to 1992). Just for the sake of collecting, some of my friends and me started to collect beer crowns. Later on, it was beer coasters and then empty imported beer bottles. In my late senior high school years, bottles from all over the world were hanging on all the walls of my bedroom. Since then I always wanted to discover and taste new beers, and when I started to travel around the globe, it was natural that I would be interested in trying as much local beers as possible. I went to university and studied in a few different fields before starting a career in the glass packaging industry 7 years ago. I got really interested in the packaging design and about 5 years ago I started brewing my own beer as a homebrewer.
This blog is condensing all of this; it’s a virtual collection that I wish to share on the web. This is not a beer-rating site; it is more descriptive and gives information about anything that is related to the world of beer.
Brasseurs: Continuez à faire de la bonne bière et mieux respecter le terroir. Designers: Soyez innovateurs et pensez durable. Buveurs: Consommez modérément, mais sans modération pour la variété.
Brewers: Keep brewing good beers and respect the terroir. Designers: Be innovative and think sustainable. Drinkers: Drink with moderation without moderating your taste for new beers.