La Kaldi est une bière lager de tradition tchèque. Les recettes ont été développées par un maître brasseur Tchèque, et sauf l'eau, les ingrédients proviennent tous de la République. Il y a deux bières disponibles dans les magasins Vínbúð, une lager blonde et une lager foncée. J'ai personnellement apprécié la foncée. Elles sont brassées dans le petit village de Árskogssandur au nord d'Akureiry par la micro-brasserie Bruggsmidjan ehf. Selon leur page web ils brassent aussi la bière Gullfoss.
The Kaldi beers are made from Czech traditional recipes developed by a brewmaster from Czech Republic. All ingredients are also imported from this country except for water. There are two lager beers available in the Vínbúð liquor store, the blonde lager and the dark lager. I personally enjoyed the dark lager. The Bruggsmidjan ehf. microbrewery is located in the small village of Árskogssandur, north of Akureiry. According to their website, they also brew the Gullfoss beer.

The Kaldi beers are made from Czech traditional recipes developed by a brewmaster from Czech Republic. All ingredients are also imported from this country except for water. There are two lager beers available in the Vínbúð liquor store, the blonde lager and the dark lager. I personally enjoyed the dark lager. The Bruggsmidjan ehf. microbrewery is located in the small village of Árskogssandur, north of Akureiry. According to their website, they also brew the Gullfoss beer.
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