Une nouveauté, surtout pour moi car je ne connaissais pas la micro-brasserie Archibald. Ils sont situés dans la région de Québec au Lac Beauport. On fait souvent la comparaison entre les femmes et la bière, on a qu’à penser aux blondes, aux rousses, aux brunes et aux noires en référence à la couleur de cheveux, ici on ironise un peu on y va plus original. En voici quelques unes.
Here is a new line of product sold in cans and brewed by Archibald brewpub. They are located in Lac Beauport near Quebec City. In french there is a lot of comparison between the type of beer and women's hair color, beer being blond, brown, red. Here they go little further ironic with the beer names.

The beer are sold in cans for environmental purpose according to Packaging | UQAM. To my knowledge there are no complete study that actually prove that cans are greener than glass bottle. In fact, in the province of Quebec the beer bottle are reused more than 15 times before going back to be recycled in a new bottle when a can is used only once. There is also more beer bottle being returned or recycled than cans, around 98% against 60% for the aluminum containers. Both molding process are energy consuming but the glass bottles are indeed heavier and therefore generate more greenhouse gases during transportation. In conclusion a complete life cycle study should be done to determine the best ecological choice. One thing I know is that glass is not causing cancer, while I don’t know about the inside coating of a can.
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