La marque Viking Gillture (2e à gauche) une bière de type lager (5,6% alc./vol) est sans doute la plus importante et la plus commerciale des bières islandaises. La compagnie Vifilfell Ltd située dans la belle ville d'Akureyri au nord de l'Islande est le propriétaire de la brasserie Viking Ölgerd qui brasse aussi notamment la populaire Thule. La Viking est souvent l'unique bière en fut disponible dans les bars.
The Viking Gillture brand (2nd from left), a lager type beer (5,6% alc./vol) seems to be the most important and commercial of Icelandic beers. The Vifilfell Ltd company located in Akureyri, North of Iceland is the owner f the Viking Ölgerd brewery that also brews the popular Thule beer. The Viking is often the only beer available on tap in Icelandic bars.
The Viking Gillture brand (2nd from left), a lager type beer (5,6% alc./vol) seems to be the most important and commercial of Icelandic beers. The Vifilfell Ltd company located in Akureyri, North of Iceland is the owner f the Viking Ölgerd brewery that also brews the popular Thule beer. The Viking is often the only beer available on tap in Icelandic bars.

Tout comme Egils, la brasserie Viking vend des bières à 2,5% d’alcool. Ci-dessous.
Just like Egils, the Viking brewery sales low alcohol beers. Below.

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