Ce blog est généralement orienté vers le packaging, mais je fais une exception ici pour parler un peu de cette découverte fortuite d’un nouveau broue-pub à Cleveland. The Market Garden Brewery est situé dans le quartier Ohio City, juste à l’Ouest du centre-ville de Cleveland en Ohio. Je me suis retrouvé vraiment par hasard à prendre une bière dans ce jardin le lendemain de son ouverture, la place était bondée, trendy, la bière était bonne et le lieu complètement unique. J’en parle parce que le branding est très intéressant et le design du logo et du menu est prometteur pour le développement, s’il y a lieu, d’une ligne de produits à mettre sur tablette. Pour le moment la place offre comme take-out leurs produits en cruchon (growler). La terrasse arrière donne sur le très beau et historique West Side Market.
This blog is usually oriented toward packaging but this is an exception. I wanted to share this unexpected discovery I made while stopping by Cleveland on a road trip. The brand new, one day old, Market Garden Brewery located in the Ohio City neighbourhood was packed with people when for unlikely circumstances our taxi dropped us off right at the front door. The place was trendy, the beer was good but the reason why I mention this brewpub is that the branding is nice and the design of the logo and menu is promising for an eventual packaging design; this is if the brewery decide to bottle their products. In the mean time you can get a growler for a take-out if you wish. The beer garden is facing the beautiful and historic West Side Market.
This blog is usually oriented toward packaging but this is an exception. I wanted to share this unexpected discovery I made while stopping by Cleveland on a road trip. The brand new, one day old, Market Garden Brewery located in the Ohio City neighbourhood was packed with people when for unlikely circumstances our taxi dropped us off right at the front door. The place was trendy, the beer was good but the reason why I mention this brewpub is that the branding is nice and the design of the logo and menu is promising for an eventual packaging design; this is if the brewery decide to bottle their products. In the mean time you can get a growler for a take-out if you wish. The beer garden is facing the beautiful and historic West Side Market.
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